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On Which Coding Platform Should I Practice?

Which is the best online platform to practice, how to improve my coding skills?

This post is all about giving answers to all such questions.

If you're a beginner who has got no idea what programming is then I would recommend you step by step practice any programming language on Hackerrank. Hackerrank has modules that are self-explanatory and would slowly make you understand all the terminologies which are generally used and with practice, you'll be better at it. Moreover, if you're still not able to understand anything you can always search for your answers on GeekForGeeks or HackerEarth both of them provide one of the best tutorials on any topic.

If you're an intermediate who's comfortable with any programming language then you can always improve your problem-solving skills studying Data Structures and Algorithms and practicing it. You can also improve by competitive coding.
The best place to start with competitive programming according to me would be Codechef / /LeetCode both of these platforms are quite user-friendly and have a range of problems starting from Beginner Level to Advanced Level. By participating in Contests in CodeChef you can improve your rating and can later use it in your resume. There are both short and long challenges initially I would recommend you to start with long challenges and once you are comfortable in problem-solving then you can always participate in Short Contests. has a good problem set where problems are arranged from easy to hard and thus one always gets better solving it. Leetcode has a database where you get to practice questions that are generally asked in the coding rounds of you many companies.

If you're someone who has pretty good knowledge of Data Structures and Algorithms moreover you're also able to solve problems easily or have bagged a place in Div.1 of Codechef then I would recommend you, proceed further with Codeforces/ Topcoder/ SPOJ/HackerEarth/AtCoder. In Codeforces you get short contests on an almost daily basis and you get to learn a lot from the editorials and tutorials. Try, to be as consistent as possible and you'll be able to make your place in Div.1 of Codeforces as well. Problems on HackerEarth/ TopCoder/ SPOJ/AtCoder
are application based and you get to know how to apply your logic/ concept in different problems.

"In all the platforms I mentioned above, you can always use specific tags for problems and practice more on things/ concepts you feel you require more time."

Leetcode and GeeksForGeeks will help you a lot if you want to build your fundamentals and discover problems that are mostly asked in the interviews.

If you're someone who is eagerly looking for placement opportunities as an SDE Intern or need to crack the coding round and Interviews then the following plans will be enough for you instead of discovering all the platforms,
1. GeeksForGeeks + Codeforces (A, B, and C : Problem Category) 
2. GeeksForGeeks + Leetcode 

You can always give a try on these platforms but everything depends upon the time you have left for your placements.
Always Remember Whatever You Do,
Wherever You Do,

Links To All The Mentioned Platforms :

Happy Coding!!!!


  1. As you told for biggeners prectic on gfg but gfg is very large platform.... Can you suggest me which section i shoud start!

    1. If you open GFG there's a section named tutorials just go through the various topics present there you can start with Programming Language, then Data Structures and then Algorithms


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