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The Best Programming Language To Learn

In this world of technology, everyone wants to have a secure career. All the aspirants are driven through trending languages that are coming in the market such as Python, Ruby, Scala, etc. I'm not writing this blog to stop anyone from programming in Python etc. but I'm going to share with you all the ultimate truth of the industry.
If you're a Computer Science student and will be appearing for an interview at placements then you'll be judged on your various skills. Modern languages such as Python, Scala, etc. all have inbuilt functions and a lot of data abstraction is present there.
When you're in an interview then you'll be judged upon your proficiency in a language and how clear your logics are that is also checked there. So, there you are asked to write down a code and this is important as this will show the interviewer how capable you are.

For example : A question on sorting is asked so in Python you can sort an array in a two line code :

#Integers (Comment)
num = [1, 3, 4, 2]
num.sort() # Used Builtin Function

Where as if you attempt the same code in C++ without STL :

void Sort(int a[], int n) // Function Declaration (Comments) 
   int i, j, mini, t;
   for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) 
      min = i;
      for (j = i + 1; j < n; j++)
         if (a[j] < a[mini])
            mini = j;
            t = a[I];
            a[i] = a[mini];
            a[mini] = t;
int main()
   int arr[] = { 1, 3, 4, 2 };
   int n = sizeof(arr)/ sizeof(arr[0]);
   int i;
   Sort(arr, n);
   return 0;

So, if you are an interviewer and you have 2 different candidates with the above code. Which one will you choose: Obviously the candidate with the later code will have a better impression as his/her code consist of the logic without abstraction.
So, important learning which one can derive from the above example is that one must know the complete implementation and practice programming on those languages which have less data abstraction.

Talking, about the various languages in the market there are many but one thing I can assure you is that no one will actually guide you in which language is the best or most suitable in the industry. I myself have wasted a lot of time-shifting from one language to another but one thing is sure that quality matters more than quantity. Instead of trying to fill your resume with more content/languages. Try to include quality in it, but having an expertise in a single domain and then try to get into another.
Java is another language which is liked by the interviewers as it's an Object Oriented Programming language and everything has to be implemented using Objects and Functions. So all the coding and logics have to be made manually.

C++ is one of the most powerful programming languages that has been developed so far and is one of the most loved programming languages by most of the coders. A C++ code takes less time to compile than a Python code.

Thus, to all the aspirants looking for a bright future in the IT industry, my advice to you all stays focused on a programming language like C++/JAVA and give most of your time in understanding Data Structures and Algorithms.
Most of the top companies ask questions on Linked List, Stacks, Queue, Trees, and Graphs. The upper bound for your programming language is the Dynamic Programming and mostly questions on 2-D Dynamic Programming, 3-D Dynamic Programming are asked in Hash Code, Kick Start events by Google. Stay focused and keep practising and no one can stop you from getting tremendous success.


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